Renee Whalen

Lorde’s Not Our Savior

After a four-year hiatus from the spotlight, Lorde released her new album, Solar Power, earlier last month. Renee Whalen speaks to the singer’s return... and w...

Renee Whalen

Managing Editor

Renee Whalen is a writer and journalist from California’s central coast. She received her B.A. in cultural anthropology from UC Santa Barbara in 2020. Since graduating, she’s been pursuing her creative writing certificate from UCLA’s Extension Program and working as a freelance writer and elementary school classroom facilitator. She’s particularly interested in education as it relates to individual development and socialization. With an anthropological lens, her work explores the intersection of culture, systems and identity. Renee is now pursuing her M.A. in Specialized Journalism from USC and she hopes to ignite curiosity and self-reflection amongst her readers and listeners.